Zahna Siham Benamor's exhibition project Se havet som kulisse, som et cellofanhav, som en elefant, som din mave spist af en krokodille og begravet under et træ, som en shaman, som en scene, begins on November 7, 2024, as part of All all all Tryouts. First show is November 21!
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About the artist:

Zahna Siham Benamor (b. 1988) holds a bachelor’s degree in French literature and a master’s degree in social sciences as well as in culture and language encounter studies. As a performance artist, she engages with themes of hybridity and rootlessness within an interdisciplinary field that blends sound, poetry, and performance. She uses estrangement and dictation to emphasize a contemporary critical perspective on power structures, colonialism, and its lasting effects.