‘Sommerfuglens Forbandelse’ by Nynne Roberta Pedersen Pedersen and Lasse B. Ondesen is the second show series in All all all Tryouts. For ‘Sommerfuglens Forbandelse’ Pedersen Pedersen and B. Ondesen, together with a grand ensemble, have created a film based on poet Federico García Lorca’s play ‘The butterfly’s evil Spell’ - “an incredible story about not loving labour but loving poetry and understanding that both cockroaches and humans need love for each other if life is to continue”. During the exhibition period the film will screen and each week each act of the play will premiere.

Nynne Roberta Pedersen Pedersen and Lasse B. Ondesen

Sommerfuglens Forbandelse

4 October - 1 November 2024

"I ask you to inform all people, poet, that love is born with the same intensity at all levels of existence; that the rhythm of a leaf stirred by the wind is the same as that of a distant star; that the words, which the fountain speaks in the shade, are heard in the waves that lap on the shore. Tell people to be humble. In nature all things are equal.

—So now the play.  Perhaps you’ll laugh when you hear the insects speak like humans, like young boys and girls. But if you learn some profitable lesson, go to the forest and give your thanks to the old sylph with his crutches, some quiet evening".

- The Butterfly's Evil Spell

'Sommerfuglens Forbandelse' is an exhibition, a residency, a film and a theatre by Nynne Roberta Pedersen Pedersen and Lasse B. Ondesen!

Pedersen Pedersen and B. Ondesen, together with a grand ensemble, have created a film based on Federico García Lorca’s play The Butterfly’s Evil Spell - “an incredible story about not loving labour, but loving poetry and understanding that both cockroaches and humans need love foreach other if life is to continue”.

Thoughout the month of October, 'Sommerfuglens Forbandelse' is on view as a film, but will also take shape as a three-act theatre play. Each consecutive week, each act of the play will premiere, directed by different directors.

Act 1 is directed by Lasse B. Ondesen and Nynne Roberta Pedersen. It marks the beginning of the performance, where we encounter the lost forest spirit from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, as well as the Boy Beetle, who wanders around writing emotional poems. He breaks the heart of young Sylvia when he is no longer in love with her. They spend a painful afternoon in the forest, where Sylvia, the wealthy cockroach, hopes that some of Boy Beetle’s love odes are meant for her. We also meet Boy Beetle’s mother and Witch Beetle, two old friends who see omens and signs and are planning the children’s future.

Act 2 is directed by Marie Dahl, director at Hotel Proforma, who introduces us to the drunken scorpion, full of great stories and offenses! The divine butterfly falls from the cypress tree, and the little cockroaches are overwhelmed by her beauty. Sylvia realizes that she has lost Boy Beetle forever, while Boy Beetle finally finds a place to direct his love and poetry. The priest and the worker debate whether Boy Beetle can afford not to toil but simply write odes. The entire beetle community trembles in fear over whether the butterfly will survive.

Act 3 is directed by artist and musician Oliver Laumann, and here the butterfly begins to speak in riddles about a place far from the cockroaches. Boy Beetle curses his lack of wings and tries to entice the butterfly to stay on the ground and live in companionship with him. Fireflies come at night, dripping good advice about love onto the butterfly’s broken wing …

The full ensemble consist of:

Josefine Seifert, Amandus Rock, Anton Sonam Hiort-Lorenzen, Lars Skinnebach, Katrine Skinnebach, Louis Scherfig, Oliver Laumann, Clarissa Connelly, Fayeza Ghah Pour, Marie Vedel, Ulrikke Bak, Fie Martens Ljungmann, Nanna Friis, Sara Sachs, Thit Hansen, Villads posselt, Mija Milovic, Ani Liv Kampe, Rosa Quistorff-Spaabæk, Wilhelm GLXSMR Dahl, Marie Dahl, Alma Nyhuus Wissum, Magda Nyhuus Wissum, andIben Agervig Carstensen.

Aside from the weekly premiere of the plays' different acts, Pedersen Pedersen and B. Ondesen will be doing Bertolt Brecht's Lehrstück every Thursday of the week, opening All all all's doors to collective workshop in the space.

See full program below -- it's free to visit the space and to participate in Brecht's Lerhstück, but the shows requires a ticket that can be purchased via our instagram.


Show times:

Premiere: Song and film screening 4 October 2024

Act 1, directed by Nynne Roberta Pedersen Pedersen and Lasse B. Ondesen: 12 October 2024, doors open at 17:30

Act 2, directed by Marie Dahl: 18 October 2024, doors open at 18:30

Act 3, directed by Oliver Laumann: 27 October 2024, doors open at 17:30

Regular screenings of Sommerfuglens Forbandelse (aside from the fact that it is always possible to stop by upon appointment):

Monday October 7: 17:00 & 18:00

Wednesday October 9: 16:00 & 17:00

Monday October 14: 17:00 & 18:00

Wednesday October 16: 17:00 & 18:00

Monday October 21: 14:00 & 16:00

Tuesday October 22: 14:00 & 16:00

Monday October 28: 14:00 & 16:00

Tuesday October 29: 14:00 & 16:00

Brecht Brunch, Lehrstück with Nynne & Lasse and friends
Every Thursday at 11:00

All all all Tryouts is generously supported by Beckett Fonden, William Demant Fonden, Knud Højgaards Fond og Statens Kunstfond.

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About the artist:

Nynne Roberta Pedersen Pedersen and Lasse B. Ondesen have worked together for several years in theater, music, and music videos, poetry, magazines, and activism, including at the alternative art school Bananskolen, with Passionplays performances, the band GP&PlS, the Tuesday Group that supports people in the Danish deportation system, in the fashion and poetry magazine Sorg og Samfund, and with the poetry collections Vi hopper på åkander ("We Jump on Water Lilies") and Chickenwings.